Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 12, 2014


"Being tall for a girl  is just like being short for a guy"
You may feel less like a girl
It's hard to be a good pair with someone else 

I'm 171cm, around 5'75 ft, not that tall if I were born in a developed country, but in Vietnam, apparently, the avarage height of women is 154cm, around 5'ft and 162cm around 5'2 ft for man, thus, girls who are 165+ cm are basically gaint here. 

"Wow you are so tall"

'' Please don't wear heels''
" You boyfriend must be 6'ft or more"
" How tall are you?"
" You must play volleyball, right?"
" Can you get the paper on the upper shelf for me?
" You must drink milk alot"

That's what I get almost everyday, and I'm used to it.

Hey hey hey, don't get me wrong, this is not a complaining post, I make this post because I feel like some of other tall girls I know don't really embrace their looks enough and let's the old mindset bother their self-confidence.

I will list the common struggles below and then elaborate my view and how I handle them, just by thinking differently.

" People always think I'm older than I really am..." 

Haha, I totally understand that, I mean who doesn't want to look younger. However, in some cases, looking younger than your age isn't an absolute advantage, especially in the professional world, employees tend to hire people who can give them a "reliable" feeling. In my personal experience, a decently tall person tends to recieve more favor in interview, a confident walk plus the height make him or her stand out  from the crowd without much efforts, and somehow gain him/ her a good impression. That's why alot of short girls have to burry themselves under layers of make up just to get the mature looks which you already have and speaking of that, you are doing a big favor to your budget and your skin. Every Morning, just mascara and lips gloss then you are good to go. 

Moreover, nowaday People spend alot of money and effort on improving their height by using pills, insanely high heels, joining special yoga class, and more ridiculous physical activities. But, we already have it in your gene, I don't see why some tall people wish to be shorter.

"Clothes are never long enough"

I understand this problem so well, I was a Boyish girl back in highschool days, I barely had Skirts or dresses in my closet, just Jeans, long pants and Tees and it was hard to find a pair of jeans that can reach my ankles here, I usually had to go shopping in the areas that specialize in clothing for foreigners, Or go to the tailor shop, to have clothes my size and the prices are =.=. Also for shoes, I'm a big foot, (lol) few years ago, no way I can find a pair of shoes that fit me perfectly from the begining, thus, whenever I bought new shoes, I had to let my mom use first to loosen them abit, basically, I always had to wear 2nd hand shoes.

Despite all that, you have to admit that when a tall girl wear a fit jeans, Dam!! she looks good. Not being vain but I enjoy seeing myself in jeans (.. yeah, I'm vain). 

Luckily, It's not that hard now since the younger generation are taller, Cothing shops start to adjust their products' size. So yeah, It takes us more effort to find a fit clothes but Girls usually dont mind spending hours on clothes anyway.

If you are more like girly type, you can always choose a medium or short dress to comply your long legs. In addition, Áo Dài, tall girls can rock Áo dài like nobody's business.

 the possibility is endless, the only limit is your imagination.

"Some guys get intiminated by my height" and "and even tall guys like petty girls"

True, most men prefer to be masculine and your height can make a guy him feel less like a man, while shorties can give him the confidence. 

  • But may I ask you a question? "You want a real man or a pussy?" 

Only Pussy man needs someone else to make him more manly

A real man  Knows when, where and how to show his manliness.
When It comes to love, height doesn't matter. (True Story). 
My aunt is nearly 10 cm taller than her husband, but they are the most cheesy couple, I have ever seen.

My Advices ( May not mean anything but hope you guys can take it as a consideration):
If he is taller, It's good
But if he is not, but still confident enough to approach you, that's the real man right there, man of all men kinds (^O^), what are you waiting for? Don't limit yourself and look for a guy who is a head taller than you, because on bed we will lie down, height isn't a problem (jk) lol , just kidding, but seriously,nobody is perfect, he may have some but also lack of some , the most important thing is to implement each other and respect  his/herself imperfection.
If guy doesn't like you for your personality, then it's fine, everyone has his/her specific type, but if a guy said that your height or your look displeases him, I'm telling you that, that pussy can't get on our beds. :D  
=====> That's how we eleminate pussies out of our target
If any of you reading this post have your eyes on a taller girl, please make a move and show her your genuine, she seems to be out of your league, but she may be a very down on earth one, who will easily fall for a caring guy. You will never know how far you can go if you dont give yourself a chance. And screw what people say about you when you stand next to her, they are just jealous. :P

All in all, girls always have things to complain about and never satisfy with what they have because we usually want to be blended especially for the Vietnamese, still heavily influenced by collectivism, thus, what makes us look like " others" usually preferred. But why have to be '' normal'' when we can be cool in our ways, our differences will be our own charms, and the right person will appriciate us despite the odds.

Not very happy with the conclusion, but my brain hurt.... 

Haha, maybe I will come up with somethings better after a good sleep. Bye Bloggy

Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 11, 2014


Talking about being vain: Nobody can beat me, yeah you read it right
This post will be full of ranting and complaining and include some vulgar words. Readers have been adviced

What is the main purpose of this post? are you going to write a post about Saigon or another long ass essay about your danm point of view?
Hehe, not about Saigon, I will rant about things I found stupid in this post. If you are expecting a food post, Oops, Sawrry (not really) :'D.
Here we go again...
Recently, I have watched an interesting  video on Youtube about embracing yourself and find it quite I don't know the exact words to describe how I feel about it, it's just that some parts of the lyric are useful but some still remain delusional. Because, people who don't try a healthy lifestyle and tell people to stop judging their appearances yet run around singing about their "Bass" and call skinny people bitches.

I get that every individual has their own beauty and what inside is better than the outside, It's totally correct, but then they claim that people no need to try very hard to transform themselves to a " better" version, and act like if you become skinny, you will automatically change your personality to evil which I think is totally crap!How on earth being more confident makes you have a bitch attitude?

I mean "WTF?!" If you are proud of yourself, then good for you but stop acting like a pathetic victim and bashing on people who choose to live the way they prefer. Different people have different ways to love themselves. Critizing others' lifestyle can't make yours better or cooler.
Girls are called the beauty for a reason, and not just girls everybody has a desire to be good looking and be the best version of themselves, it's natural and who ever says that he/she doesn't care about look is indeed a liar. Moreover, If a girl wants to be fit it's because she want to feel good about herself not to sexually please a dude, It's 21st Century and the world is not spinning around the D*ck, so who gives a shit about what a dude think, if her look turns him on, then it's none of her business. Thus, these vids are making fail assumption about stereotypes. Whenever I see a girl who ever claim that she is who she is because she doesn't to be viewed like a sex objective, bla bla bla I just want to give her a high five with a chair right in the face and tell her " you are being sexist to your own gender", it's not the men are putting us down, but it's because of people like you, who make us sound like everything we do is for one goal and one only, that is to seduce a guy.

Who do you think you are? You must be very fit and a gym freak to defend that?

Nope, I wish I can be skinnier, *sigh* I'm not gonna lie I have never ever been a skinny girl, or a size 2, I was born chubby and grew up struggling with weight control and had some insecure moments about my look like every girls out there. And I'm still curvy, it's hard to change. However, I acknowledge my visual, I don't hate myself and feel ashame of it, instead I want to enhance what my mama gave me, booty here booty there, I'm gonna work them to my desire and make them the asset that I feel proud of and give me more confidence.

  • I love food, I made this blog to dedicate my undying love for food.
  • I don't like to go to gym everyday, and I only visit the gym 3 times a week, and spend the rest of the week night to hang out with friends or study cause I'm lazy just like anybody else.
  • I love myself more
  • I care about my health, I want to be a healthy person not just for me but also my family and love ones, I want to spend more time with them.
  • I want to accomplish my life goal I have to be active, I have studied hard and put my heart on everything I do, therefore, I don't want my look to be a disavantage in my social life.
  •  I want to be appriciated.

In a nutshell, The society can't change for a particular individual, since we are a part of it, we have to deal with its problems, we can't avoid them,but instead of only looking at the bad, take that as a motivation, and a positive push to make ourselves better.

Ok I have to end it here before my brain explode I miss my bed I will sleep on in and have a piece of good chocolate, then later roll to the gym to burn all the calories, I love my life like that, have fun and enjoy it but always be responsible. 

Goodbye Bloggy, see you again, love ya
alot of hugs and kisses.

Thứ Sáu, 7 tháng 11, 2014


Sorry my little blog, I have neglected you lately, but no worries, I'm coming back with a serie of eyecandy foody posts, and this time I will go with something more Asian, and it's no other than 
NOO F*cking DLES or Asian version of western spaghetti. I was thinking about putting all in one post, but ain't nobody got time for that, just kidding, I want to take time to go for more detail about each different dishes, also check my understanding about Vietnamese cuisine. Ok, I will stop beating around the bush and go straight to the best part of today : 
Disclamerthis is my own favorite list and base mostly on my observation and personal preference.Different people may have various orders, but I believe a lot of saigon-ers will agree with most of the items on my list

5. Hủ tiếu Nam Vang
hủ tiếu nước. Cre: Internet
This is a Vietnamese take on dish and It's originated from Cambodia but first made by a Chinese,(well most types of noodles around Asia somehow came from China),and the Khmer developed it to the new level, one of the " Must try'' things if you travel to Cambodia . Seriously, It's my mid night craving, the hot broth comfort your soul, the chewy texture from the noodles, plus all the goodness of the toppings, it's to die for. I have to have one every week because if  I don't, i would dream about it at night ( OMG, TRANG you are so weird)
 In Vietnam, we have our own Hủ tiếu dish but ehem, I gotta admit that something about Hủ tiếu Nam Vang capture more Viet foodies than it's Vietnamese relative.
Hủ tiếu khô
Beside. there are 2 ways that you can enjoy a Hủ tiếu Nam vang
The one with the broth serving in the same bowl with the noodles, we call it Hủ tiếu nước, and the other one, which is my favorite, is the dry one a.k.a Hủ tiếu khô, not a unpleasant dry, It's just the noodles is served without the broth and mix with black soya sauce ( hắc xì dầu) and their secret sauce the top with various kinds of topping, i will describe it later.

And Why is it popular in Saigon?
 It isn't just popular in Saigon only but also in the South of Vietnam, because there is a considerable number of Khmer people living in the South of Vietnam especially Mekong Delta and they carry their traditional customs and cooking style from generation to generation, and what good will eventually become popular and Hủ tiếu Nam Vang made it.
And don't worry we still leave them the credit for making such a delicious noodles dish in the name " Nam Vang" is the name old name of Cambodia's capital in Vietnamese

And what makes Hủ tiếu taste so good?
The naturally sweet broth and various kinds of topping.
Unlike the chinese Hủ tiếu and Vietnamese's hủ tiếu, Hủ tiếu Nam vang has a distinctive sweet broth made from slow cooking alot of pig bones, alot of vegetables like carrots and daikon raddish,dry seafood like shrimps and squids. All of those ingredients are just for the  broth only and that's why it looks so simple and delightful yet very complex and requires alot of techniques to accomplish
For the Toppings : Pig organs like kidneys, liver, quail eggs minced pork, pork slices, Garlic oil, Garlic chives, Garlic Vinegar, Spring Oninions, Shrimps, etc. It has all the best of the best.

But Is the Hủ Tiếu Nam Vang we get in Saigon authentic?

The answer is No. We adjusted the ingredients and the seasoning to fit our taste. It's quite understandable, since different regions has different preferences.

Where can we get a good bowl of Hủ tiếu Nam Vang ?
There are many Hủ tiếu shop or restaurants here, it's all good in my opinion and the price is around 50.000đ around  2$ and 50 cents :
The list of place you can get it
1. Hủ tiếu Nam Vang Nhân quán 68 A Nguyễn Trãi, Phường, Nguyễn Cư Trinh, Quận 1
2.  Hủ tiếu Nam Vang Phú Quý 84 Hồ Thị Kỷ, Phường 14 Quận 10
3. Hủ tiếu Nam Vang Đạt Thành 607 CMT8, Quận 10
I gotta go and get me one, I make myself feeling so hungry :( 
it's 10 pm now, my diet dislikes it.
I'm exhausted, today I had to translate a 15 pages report about water treatment technology at work, my eyes can't stare at the screen any longer, so I will stop here. But, before shutting down and going to bed, I will leave next week spoiler here, the rest of the list
4. Bún Bò
3. Bánh Canh cua
2. Phở
1.Bún riêu
If you are reading this series at night, God helps your diet !!!
Bye bye Bloggy

Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 10, 2014



Tinder hype finally hits Vietnam, an exotic place. How can a 9x generation like me stay out of the trend?

Thanks to the advance of the internet, people nowaday can diversify their chances to find " the one" by matching you randomly with a totally stranger near your location, who can have no mutual background with you. Nonetheless, how useful it is for the young still remains controversial. 

Some might claim it rubbish, since only dating suckers use an Apps to get a date, yeah it can be true. I totally understand why some people feel that way because of all the scam and "Catfish" things, But it doesn't mean we can't find a single decent person on the internet. I personally enjoyed all my online dates and:

Do I feel like a loser? NO! because I chose to do it. It's not the only way I can meet guys, but I call it the more effective way. Even if you are a super extrovert person, you have to admit that it's so much easier to say hi with a person on the Internet than in real life: You can avoid awkward gaze or unwanted attention in public place, etc.
and Do I feel like a slutty lady? NO!  why should I feel that way? since Tinder wasn't made for hooking up only, just because a lot people ultilize it that way, it doesn't mean I do the same thing.

Disclamer: I am not here to refute or support any statements, because perspectives are objective and different individuals can have various opinions about one thing.

So Trang how did your Tinder adventure start?

Frankly, when I first heard about this Apps, I found it  disgusting 
(sorry Tinder fans): for online dating, hooking up purpose, where people find their One night stand partner, etc. And  according to the norm that I grew up with, all of those listed above are quite unacceptable. However, eventually I installed it on my phone anyway after watching a Parody of Conan O'brien and Dave Franco about Tinder on Youtube. In addition, I'm the kind of a person who always want to experience all the legal but inappropriate things pratically at least once in my life because #YOLO duh...!!! Also, I was bored and just broke up at that time so why not? Meeting new people can be adventurous and fun (^-^).

Why do you want to share it on your blog? are you shameless?

Yes, I am, and there are nothing to be a shame about expanding your opportunities to find the right one, since you will never know who will be special to you if you keep yourself in your own comfortzone and fantasize Unicorn farting rainbow on your life.

Ok ok, we got it, How were your experiences?

So far so good !

Apparently, I got a lot of matches on Tinder around 100+, thanks to 360camera ( yay!! bragging time), most just stop at online chatting, I'm very skeptical when it comes to meeting strangers. However, i have met 2. Lucky for me that all my dating experiences on Tinder are quite nice and decent, and they somehow changed my point of view about Tinder, not completely opposite but more neutral. They brought positive aspects to me, of course there were some sad moments, but i think the good has outweighted the bad, and I truly feel thankful for all of them, they have taught me alot of things throughout our conversations. Coincidentally, both my dates are Asian - Americans, but each has a different story to tell. I wish I had more time to get to know them even more, it isn't love it's clear to see, but they have good friend materials

 And you know what this blog was born because of a guy I met recently on Tinder, He is the best experience of mine, maybe because I have the special feeling for him, we traveled together, hung out, etc.(But now he is gone, gosh! I still have him-withdrawal, it was so sad when he left, I still feel emotional whenever I think about it) he inspired me to do this, his desire to travel and his free-spirit enlightened me and gave me motivation to work hard for my dream.

How to do it safely?

The first thing is that you have to get to know the person, you are chatting with, so take time to get to know him through the chatting function on Tinder, DO NOT give away your number to everyone, because you may end up changing your number if you unfortunately meet a creep, always be selective and keep your eyes wide open. 

If he is nice and easy to talk to, you have to let your gut deciede. After giving him phone number or SNS account, let's start chatting! Be genuine, but not be easy, since you can't expect people to open up and nice to you if you don't do the same to them, treat people the way you want to be treated, no exception. Let's your charm works its magic. A good online conversation can be delivered to a good date.

Secondly, you should never ever expect anything further than just a simple date after a good first date, be classy ladies/ gentlemen. Let it be, otherwise you may scare the shit out of him/ her and lower your self-worth. 

Finally, high expectation only leads to disappointment, true story! Nobody is perfect, what you see on their profile pictures may be the best angel they can potrait, look for what inside is more important.

So, What is the main purpose of this post?

hmm, in a nutshell, Tinder or other dating apps are not bad thing. It's people who give them bad reputation I want to share my opinions and encourage young people who read this post to go out and meet a lot of people. Nevertheless, you have to use Meeting apps wisely to protect yourselves, create good memory and to make new friends. Don't limit yourselves in a box and wait for the special to come and find you and be adventurous your life because it's short and #Yolo.

And  If you are looking for love on a dating apps, don't be a shame of it, be proud that you choose a short cut instead of beating a round the bush, after all love is the only thing that matters. Who doesn't want to spend more time with their love one???????

Will you keep finding luck on Tinder?

I will, but
I dont think i will go on another date anytime soon because I'm emotionally exhausted, I'm sad but no regret, people come and go, memories stay, and if it means to be we will meet again. From now on, I will join more real life club and try to expand my social networking and work hard for my dream.

 What a long essay
I have to stop now, today is halloween, my friends are waiting for me. I may share my halloween experience in Saigon in my next post woohoo. ok Bye.

Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 10, 2014


Hi there, it's me, Trang again...
You might have already known that  I'm Vietnamese
And Vietnamese people love Bánh Mì ( A.k.a Baguette sandwiches) with a passion. However, it doesn't mean we don't welcome new things that are similar to Bánh Mì. In fact, we have alot of foreign food chains right here in Saigon that serve all kinds and forms of sandwiches. Therefore, today I want to share with my secret readers, if there are any, somethings not so conventionally Vietnamese, but has become very popular among Saigon-ers for years already, and It is Turkish Sandwiches - Doner Kebab.

So Trang, what is Doner Kebab? and Why do Viet people like Doner Kebab?
" Doner kebab is a popular Turkish fastfood made of meat cooked on a vertical rotisserie, normally lamb but also a mixture of veal or beef with these, or sometimes chicken for healthy versionThe sliced meat of a Doner kebab may be served wrapped in a flatbread such as lavash or Pita or as a sandwich instead of being served on a plate. Seasoned meat in the shape of an inverted cone is turned slowly against a vertical rotisserie, then sliced vertically into thin, crisp shavings. On the sandwich version, the meat is generally served with tomato, onion with sumac, pickle and chilli."- Cr. Wiki
And for the second question
People like it because... It's good, dud....
Hey! when it comes to food, good food always wins, hands down.
Besides, we also change some ingredients to make it fit with our taste. It's safe to say that we have our own version of Doner kebab. Not really authentic, but the quality is still on point.

What are the differences between the original and the Vietnamese version?
Good question
The first thing that is very easy to point out is the sandwich bread. Instead of using soft- shell bread like pita or Lavash, we make flat round baguettes. It might sound bias, but I think that this improvement helped elevating the dish, since it adds the contrast in texture, crispy outside complement well with the soft and flavorful filling inside.
And sometimes, we even serve Doner kebab inside normal baguettes.
Secondly, We skip some western elements. Preserved vegetables? Pickle cucumber? No, we don't like it. Not so many Vietnamese people like the mustard flavor of the western pickle, so we make a salad: fresh diced garbage, tomato slices, onions, cilantro and simple mayo dressing; and add into the bread along with the well marinated meat slices.
Thirdly, the meat,  I have tried the orginal version before in Vung Tau city, you may question :" how the hell did you know that your sandwich is original?" - It was served by a Turkish owner, I'm not an expert in regconizing  spices but i can tell the difference in taste.
 I think in the Vietnamese Doner kebab, they add chinese five spices powder, so somehow our version has a bolder flavor than the orginal. That makes sense, because we like food with strong and "slap in da face" flavor.:))))

How popular Doner Kebab in Saigon?
Very popular in terms of sandwiches, just after Bánh Mì, Of course, but you can easily find a Doner Kebab Vendor almost every corner in Saigon.

Which one do you think is better, the original or the Vietnamese ?
Sorry Turkish people, I prefer our version.... I'm so sorry, that's just my personal favorite. Yours is also good, but the Viet ver adjusts better to my taste.
I have to say " Thank You" for the Turkish for inventing this dish, You guys did it well. Eventhough, we might add some twists on it but we will always give it the respect it deserves.

Can you recommend us where to get good Doner kebab in Saigon?
Totally, My favorite spot:

Kebab Saigon:  Nguyễn Thượng Hiền, P. 5, Quận 3TP. HCM

They have the best sandwiches I think
I have to get back to work now phewwww!!!!! what a long essay!!!
Hopefully, someone may find this post helpful. :'D


Thứ Năm, 23 tháng 10, 2014



Thanks to the amazing coffee a.k.a cafe this morning, my mind is flooding with a lot of ideas, It's gonna be a productive day (woohoo). 
I always want to share something special about #Saigon, my home #city, i kept looking for a good topic, then bamf, my friend suggested me :" why dont you write about cafe? since you love cafe so much". Yes, i do love cafe, I literarilly can't stay awake at work or at school w/o it.

But, Trang Addiction is never a good thing????

I know, but I usually only have one cup of coffee everyday. According to some studies, caffein helps people to reduce their unwanted fat. In fact, a lot of people have succeed using coffee to lose weight Having a small cup of coffee everyday will help people focus on their tasks at work place better. As long as people can control their addiction, coffee is a highly recommended daily drink

So Trang, What is the best way to enjoy a cup of #coffee? 

For me, I prefer the conventional way, the Vietnamese way - cafe phin. Vietnamese people drink coffee every day, it becomes a part of our culture. The way people make and enjoy their coffee is so elegant . I can proudly claim that we have our own Cafe- SWAG XDD. 

So Trang, What makes Vietnamese Coffee so special?

There are 3 things that make our coffee a highly appriciated product and lifestyle defined :
First, our coffeemaker: the V- shaped filter (phin). This tool allows the ground coffee bean to absorb the hot water and produce the shining black liquid. In order to enjoy a cup of coffee in Vietnamese style, a person has to be very patient because the coffee liquid will drop a little by little in their cups. And when Vietnamese people drink coffee, they will take it slow to taste the bitterness and the sweetness. You cannot be rush when it comes to Vietnamese coffee style. 

Another interesting thing is that for Vietnamese people coffee doesnt have a particular type, It's very diverse in flavor, and the flavor of coffee is decided by the roasting process. I will list some of them here : Robusta, Royal, Mocha, etc. 

Finally, Vietnamese people have their own taste of milk coffee, we like our coffee to be rich and intense, It maybe too much for foreigners, but if your heart is strong enough, you should definitely try. Some people like a cup of dark coffee, some like to put condensed milk to lighten and sweeten their coffee, and it's called cafe sua da ( My favorite)

Where can you get cafe??

well everywhere, every corner 
You can easily find a small vendor selling coffee or a take a way coffee shop anywhere in Saigon
A trend among Young Saigon-ers these day is "Cafe Bệt" ( Is a Vietnamese Slang for "sit down and enjoy coffee"). And the most common place to have Cafe bệt is near the Notre dame church, one of the most popular landscape of Saigon.
IF you wonder where you can get a high quality cup of coffee and see coffee art by your own eyes, I suggest :

Trung Nguyên Coffee
Phuc Long Coffee Tea and Coffee

P/s: Just realize that this post is getting too long, just my bla bla about cafe, but with my limited English, this is the best I can do to describe my insights about coffee. I don't expect ppl to read my post but if you do, I hope that you have a good time.

Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 10, 2014


Fresh Juice straight from the juicer
Lemme start this long ass essay with commercial style:

"Struggle looking for heathy lifestyle? well look no further, it's available here in Vietnam" 

Despite being considered living in an exotic place, low living condition, every true Saigon-ers always be proud that we are living with style, without spending a great amount of money.

Literally, we have everything here that people from developed countries only dream of. Can you believe that you can get 1 litter of organic juice, fresh made in front of your eyes for just  less than1$? It happens here in my home city, on Nguyen Thuong Hien street.
The owners of the juicer vendor are friends, a marriage couple, and their products, hundreds bottles of juice a day are sold like hot cakes. What a good business!

Every day they start working from 5 am and close at 11pm That's crazy !!!!!!! I wonder how can they work that much.

Once, I asked them about how their typical day was going, with no hesitation, they told me everything , even more than I expected:
A day starts at 5 am with purchasing hundreds kilo of various kinds of fruit. They have good fruit suppliers located in the south west of Vietnam and other places, but also in Vietnam.

 - We never ever use China's product, no preservative.- The husband pressed

Indeed, their fruit juice has something very special, naturally sweet, the fruits look ugly but carry so much flavor. My favorite is green apple juice and pomanranian juice. I notice that they add alittle bit of salt to help preventing their juice from Oxidation reaction, which leads to change the color of it. Also, the salt brings out the freshness and balance out the sweetness.*Yummm*

UMMMMM!!!!! one slurp of satisfation 

Everyday before work, i treat myself a bottle of apple juice," one apple everyday, stay away from the doctor" I see them load at least 5 apples to the juicer everytime, woohoo * happy dance* healthy baby!!! For a person who always has to watch his/her weight like me, this is paradise. Fruit juice can not only help slowing down aging process but also cleansing.*woohoo* 

 Ok, hic, I can't think of anything to write anymore, silly Trang, I keep re-reading my work, as expect incohenrent and medicore haha *Sigh*, but I will be better for sure, I'm learning and I won't stop.

It's 8:30 in the morning, time to get back to work. I have my juice bottle with me, ready to rock and rolls.
 Start with commercial style, end with commercial style: 
" So What are you waiting for, book your ticket and get your ass over here" ( Just kidding, you dont have to.... but seriously....) :P

You hate Saigon? I hate you