Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 11, 2014


Talking about being vain: Nobody can beat me, yeah you read it right
This post will be full of ranting and complaining and include some vulgar words. Readers have been adviced

What is the main purpose of this post? are you going to write a post about Saigon or another long ass essay about your danm point of view?
Hehe, not about Saigon, I will rant about things I found stupid in this post. If you are expecting a food post, Oops, Sawrry (not really) :'D.
Here we go again...
Recently, I have watched an interesting  video on Youtube about embracing yourself and find it quite I don't know the exact words to describe how I feel about it, it's just that some parts of the lyric are useful but some still remain delusional. Because, people who don't try a healthy lifestyle and tell people to stop judging their appearances yet run around singing about their "Bass" and call skinny people bitches.

I get that every individual has their own beauty and what inside is better than the outside, It's totally correct, but then they claim that people no need to try very hard to transform themselves to a " better" version, and act like if you become skinny, you will automatically change your personality to evil which I think is totally crap!How on earth being more confident makes you have a bitch attitude?

I mean "WTF?!" If you are proud of yourself, then good for you but stop acting like a pathetic victim and bashing on people who choose to live the way they prefer. Different people have different ways to love themselves. Critizing others' lifestyle can't make yours better or cooler.
Girls are called the beauty for a reason, and not just girls everybody has a desire to be good looking and be the best version of themselves, it's natural and who ever says that he/she doesn't care about look is indeed a liar. Moreover, If a girl wants to be fit it's because she want to feel good about herself not to sexually please a dude, It's 21st Century and the world is not spinning around the D*ck, so who gives a shit about what a dude think, if her look turns him on, then it's none of her business. Thus, these vids are making fail assumption about stereotypes. Whenever I see a girl who ever claim that she is who she is because she doesn't to be viewed like a sex objective, bla bla bla I just want to give her a high five with a chair right in the face and tell her " you are being sexist to your own gender", it's not the men are putting us down, but it's because of people like you, who make us sound like everything we do is for one goal and one only, that is to seduce a guy.

Who do you think you are? You must be very fit and a gym freak to defend that?

Nope, I wish I can be skinnier, *sigh* I'm not gonna lie I have never ever been a skinny girl, or a size 2, I was born chubby and grew up struggling with weight control and had some insecure moments about my look like every girls out there. And I'm still curvy, it's hard to change. However, I acknowledge my visual, I don't hate myself and feel ashame of it, instead I want to enhance what my mama gave me, booty here booty there, I'm gonna work them to my desire and make them the asset that I feel proud of and give me more confidence.

  • I love food, I made this blog to dedicate my undying love for food.
  • I don't like to go to gym everyday, and I only visit the gym 3 times a week, and spend the rest of the week night to hang out with friends or study cause I'm lazy just like anybody else.
  • I love myself more
  • I care about my health, I want to be a healthy person not just for me but also my family and love ones, I want to spend more time with them.
  • I want to accomplish my life goal I have to be active, I have studied hard and put my heart on everything I do, therefore, I don't want my look to be a disavantage in my social life.
  •  I want to be appriciated.

In a nutshell, The society can't change for a particular individual, since we are a part of it, we have to deal with its problems, we can't avoid them,but instead of only looking at the bad, take that as a motivation, and a positive push to make ourselves better.

Ok I have to end it here before my brain explode I miss my bed I will sleep on in and have a piece of good chocolate, then later roll to the gym to burn all the calories, I love my life like that, have fun and enjoy it but always be responsible. 

Goodbye Bloggy, see you again, love ya
alot of hugs and kisses.

Thứ Sáu, 7 tháng 11, 2014


Sorry my little blog, I have neglected you lately, but no worries, I'm coming back with a serie of eyecandy foody posts, and this time I will go with something more Asian, and it's no other than 
NOO F*cking DLES or Asian version of western spaghetti. I was thinking about putting all in one post, but ain't nobody got time for that, just kidding, I want to take time to go for more detail about each different dishes, also check my understanding about Vietnamese cuisine. Ok, I will stop beating around the bush and go straight to the best part of today : 
Disclamerthis is my own favorite list and base mostly on my observation and personal preference.Different people may have various orders, but I believe a lot of saigon-ers will agree with most of the items on my list

5. Hủ tiếu Nam Vang
hủ tiếu nước. Cre: Internet
This is a Vietnamese take on dish and It's originated from Cambodia but first made by a Chinese,(well most types of noodles around Asia somehow came from China),and the Khmer developed it to the new level, one of the " Must try'' things if you travel to Cambodia . Seriously, It's my mid night craving, the hot broth comfort your soul, the chewy texture from the noodles, plus all the goodness of the toppings, it's to die for. I have to have one every week because if  I don't, i would dream about it at night ( OMG, TRANG you are so weird)
 In Vietnam, we have our own Hủ tiếu dish but ehem, I gotta admit that something about Hủ tiếu Nam Vang capture more Viet foodies than it's Vietnamese relative.
Hủ tiếu khô
Beside. there are 2 ways that you can enjoy a Hủ tiếu Nam vang
The one with the broth serving in the same bowl with the noodles, we call it Hủ tiếu nước, and the other one, which is my favorite, is the dry one a.k.a Hủ tiếu khô, not a unpleasant dry, It's just the noodles is served without the broth and mix with black soya sauce ( hắc xì dầu) and their secret sauce the top with various kinds of topping, i will describe it later.

And Why is it popular in Saigon?
 It isn't just popular in Saigon only but also in the South of Vietnam, because there is a considerable number of Khmer people living in the South of Vietnam especially Mekong Delta and they carry their traditional customs and cooking style from generation to generation, and what good will eventually become popular and Hủ tiếu Nam Vang made it.
And don't worry we still leave them the credit for making such a delicious noodles dish in the name " Nam Vang" is the name old name of Cambodia's capital in Vietnamese

And what makes Hủ tiếu taste so good?
The naturally sweet broth and various kinds of topping.
Unlike the chinese Hủ tiếu and Vietnamese's hủ tiếu, Hủ tiếu Nam vang has a distinctive sweet broth made from slow cooking alot of pig bones, alot of vegetables like carrots and daikon raddish,dry seafood like shrimps and squids. All of those ingredients are just for the  broth only and that's why it looks so simple and delightful yet very complex and requires alot of techniques to accomplish
For the Toppings : Pig organs like kidneys, liver, quail eggs minced pork, pork slices, Garlic oil, Garlic chives, Garlic Vinegar, Spring Oninions, Shrimps, etc. It has all the best of the best.

But Is the Hủ Tiếu Nam Vang we get in Saigon authentic?

The answer is No. We adjusted the ingredients and the seasoning to fit our taste. It's quite understandable, since different regions has different preferences.

Where can we get a good bowl of Hủ tiếu Nam Vang ?
There are many Hủ tiếu shop or restaurants here, it's all good in my opinion and the price is around 50.000đ around  2$ and 50 cents :
The list of place you can get it
1. Hủ tiếu Nam Vang Nhân quán 68 A Nguyễn Trãi, Phường, Nguyễn Cư Trinh, Quận 1
2.  Hủ tiếu Nam Vang Phú Quý 84 Hồ Thị Kỷ, Phường 14 Quận 10
3. Hủ tiếu Nam Vang Đạt Thành 607 CMT8, Quận 10
I gotta go and get me one, I make myself feeling so hungry :( 
it's 10 pm now, my diet dislikes it.
I'm exhausted, today I had to translate a 15 pages report about water treatment technology at work, my eyes can't stare at the screen any longer, so I will stop here. But, before shutting down and going to bed, I will leave next week spoiler here, the rest of the list
4. Bún Bò
3. Bánh Canh cua
2. Phở
1.Bún riêu
If you are reading this series at night, God helps your diet !!!
Bye bye Bloggy